
Below you will find a video walk through to MevCeption

Priority Mev'ing coming soon for ecosystem users and token holders.

How to use MevCeption?

Step 1: Buy the pair you want on @Xception_bot by clicking on TradeCeption - providing the CA - buying as much as you wish

Step 2: Click on MevCeption

Step 3: Click on approve MEV

Step 4: Put the CA in

Step 5: Click approve MEV (a little gas fee is required)

Step 6: Bot will make sandwiches if opportunities come up

Optional: Send the token to the wallet you use on @XCeption_bot if you don't buy through TradeCeption and follow from Step 2.

Best Practices by users for Targeting Mevs

What's the best pairs to look for when Mev'ing?

Aim for pairs with:

  • Lot volume.

  • 0 - 3 % tax is ideal but we have seen users go up to 5% tax tokens with high volume.

  • Middle sized liquidity

How much tokens should I have?

It definitely depends on the pair and the volume the token generates. We've seen token value with as little as 0.0235 $ETH successfully MEV and then you get 8$ETH token value get sandwich on a larger market cap.

Do I need to approve a token again if I add more of the same token?

No, you only need to approve the token once.

You can enable Auto Approve MEV in the Settings section for future tokens so you don't have to manually approve.

What happens if a token rugs?

Your tokens would be rugged as well however if there was a Mev opportunity on that token you'd still make a mev and potientially be in profit to cover your main bag loss.

Click on the Scribe link for a visual step by step guide on MevCeption:

Last updated